» » » C6 easyPCR Analyzer

C6 easyPCR Analyzer

Cat.No.: 33106

Product feature
● Stable hardware system with accurate temperature control
● Powerful and easy-to-use software design
● New optical system design
● Open application platform
● Excellent repeatability and accuracy of amplification data
● Timely after-sales service and technical support






Items Technical parameters
Product name C6 easyPCR Analyzer
Product Model C6
Sample throughput 96
Optimum temperature range 15-30℃
Optimum humidity levels Relative humidity 20-85%
Working power 200-240V、50/60Hz
Light source High power LED (maintenance free)
Detectors High sensitivity photoelectric sensors
Dynamic range of detection 1-1010
Detection sensitivity single-copy gene detection
Reaction volume 10 ul-50 ul
Number of fluorescent channels 4 (upgradeable to 6)
Multiplex fluorescence detection Excitation channels and detection channels ≥ 4; excitation filters ≥ 4 colors, detection filters ≥ 4 colors
Fluorescence excitation wavelength and Fluorescence emission wavelengths Excitation wavelengths 470±15, 530±10, 570±10, 640±10nm;

Detection wavelengths 520±10, 565±11, 609±17, 690±25nm.

Detected fluorescein and dyes FAM、 SYBR Green I、SYTO 9、EvaGreen、LC Green;HEX、VIC、TET、JOE;ROX、Texas Red;CY5。
Temperature control method Semiconductor Thermoelectric Modules
Temperature Control (TC) mode Peltier temperature control systems
Temperature accuracy ±0.1 ℃
Temperature homogeneity ±0.1 ℃
Temperature control range 0℃-100 ℃
Temperature gradient 0-24 ℃
Max ramp rate ≥6℃/s
Heated lids Electronic automatic heated lid
Applicable consumables 0.1ml PCR Tube、8-Strip PCR Tube、96-well plates, supporting transparent and opaque tubes
Software With qualitative and quantitative (absolute and relative) functions, automatically reporting melting temperature, etc.
After-sales support After instrument installation and commissioning, instrument operation training and data processing training should be provided
Dimension L×W×H(mm) 508 mm×415 mm×345 mm
Weight 25 kg
