Tropical Diseases Rapid Tests

Particular situations under which medical diagnostics operate in tropical environments make the use of new easy-to-use diagnostic tools the preferred (or even unique) option. These diagnostic tests and devices, usually based on biosensing methods, are being increasingly exploited as promising alternatives to classical, “heavy” lab instrumentation for clinical diagnosis, allowing simple, inexpensive and point-of-care testing.
Tropical diseases are a class of infectious diseases named after the hot, humid climates in which they tend to be most prevalent. The majority of tropical diseases are spread by mosquitoes and are most common during the rainy season, however due to rising global temperatures transmissions are now occurring year-round.

Tropical Rapid Test Product Line

Earlier this year, TargetingOne announced the launch of its Tropical Rapid test line which targets two tropical diseases (Dengue and Malaria).
Benefits include:
Features & Advantages :
Single-participant design: convenient sampling and easy operation without additional instrument.
Paired monoclonal antibodies: high sensitivity up to 100 TCID50 /mL ,high affinity, high specificity.
Rapid detection: 10-20 minutes for results, easy to interpret.
Convenient storage: room temperature storage, low transportation costs.

Cat.No. Product Name Specification Remark
15145 Dengue Antigen Rapid Test 25 Tests CE
15151 Dengue IgM/IgG Rapid Test 25 Tests RUO
15146 Malaria Pf /Pan Antigen Rapid Test 25 Tests CE
15147 Malaria Pf /Pv Antigen Rapid Test 25 Tests CE